Welcome to 964 RS database.com
This site is dedicated to the Porsche 964 RS and all its variants.

The story so far...
In 1998, I purchased my LHD Maritime Blue 964 RS Lightweight.
A couple of years later, I discovered that it was one of the very first RSs to leave the production line.
After researching the history, I learnt that it was an Exhibition Car (M740), registered to Porsche AG, and used for display purposes at various Motor Shows. It was later sold to a member of the German Royal Family. This inspired me to search for all early chassis number cars, with the hope that they may also have interesting histories.
The 964 RS database was born...
Fast forward 26 years, the worldwide database now contains photos and detailed information on well over half of the cars ever produced.
If you would like your 964 RS Lightweight, Touring, N/GT, 3.8 RS, 3.8 RSR, Cup car, or Carrera 4 Lightweight included in the database, please don’t hesitate to contact me.